
Ship classification using Synthetic Aperture Radar induces effective marine applications but suffers from imbalanced datasets. Common ship types (majority classes) contain many more instances than rare ship types (minority classes), resulting in performance loss since minority instances tend to be ignored. Meanwhile, it is difficult and time-consuming to produce reliable instances for rare ships. The synthetic minority oversampling techniques have shown great potential to balance the distribution of classes by synthesizing minority instances. However, the newly synthesized instances may overlap with the majority instances, reducing the separability among classes, or being far away from the classification boundary, which is meaningless. This paper proposes a clustering-based size-adaptive safer oversampling technique to address the imbalanced classification problem. Proven schemes, including cluster minority instances, adaptively allocate oversampling sizes, and assign weights are adopted for selecting minority instances. Then, new instances are synthesized according to the safe metric of selected instances, instead of randomly inserted. Furthermore, multiple handcrafted features are tested to provide a clearer classification boundary. The proposed comprehensively considers the usefulness and safety of synthesizing instances. Experiments on the OpenSARShip and the FUSAR-Ship datasets demonstrate that the proposed technique achieves significantly better results.

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