
Human 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase has been crystallized on the ground in the complex form with NADP + and a complete data set of the crystal was primarily collected at 2.9 Å [D.-W. Zhu, X. Lee, R. Breton, D. Ghosh, W. Pangborn, W.L. Duax and S.-X. Lin, J. Mol. Biol. 234 (1993) 242]. To eliminate multiseeding, formation of multicrystals and to obtain higher quality crystals, we carried out the crystallization aboard the Russian MIR space station and crystals were recovered in January, 1994. Crystals of the enzyme were formed in 9 of the total 12 sitting drops in the space mission, in the presence of NADP + or estradiol. This is a first attempt of crystallization of a membrane-associated protein under microgravity in the presence of a detergent. The space experiments showed better results in nucleation number, crystal size and morphology than the ground ones, obtaining crystals diffracting to resolutions between 2.5–2.7 Å. The too early ground mixing has limited a more important improvement of the crystallization.

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