
Dental implant abutments that emerge through the mucosa are rapidly covered with a salivary protein pellicle to which bacteria bind, initiating biofilm formation. In this study, adherence of early colonizing streptococci, Streptococcus gordonii, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus sanguinis to two saliva-coated anodically oxidized surfaces was compared with that on commercially pure titanium (CpTi). Near edge X-ray absorption (NEXAFS) showed crystalline anatase was more pronounced on the anodically oxidized surfaces than on the CpTi. As revealed by fluorescence microscopy, a four-species mixture, as well as individual bacterial species, exhibited lower adherence after 2 h to the saliva-coated, anatase-rich surfaces than to CpTi. Since wettability did not differ between the saliva-coated surfaces, differences in the concentration and/or configuration of salivary proteins on the anatase-rich surfaces may explain the reduced bacterial binding effect. Anatase-rich surfaces could thus contribute to reduced overall biofilm formation on dental implant abutments through diminished adherence of early colonizers.

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