
The crystal structures of sperm whale metmyoglobins reconstituted with three kinds of modified hemes, 2,4-diisopropyldeuteroheme, 2-isopropyl-4-vinyldeuteroheme, and 2-vinyl-4-isopropyldeuteroheme, have been determined and refined at 2.2 A resolution to R = 0.216, 0.219, and 0.195, respectively. All the crystals of these myoglobins are isomorphous with that of native metmyoglobin. The 2-vinyl-4-isopropyldeuteroheme was found to be in a reverse orientation, in which the heme plane is rotated by 180 degrees about an axis through the alpha-gamma-meso carbons, whereas the orientations of the other two hemes were the same as that of protoheme in native myoglobin. In the myoglobins with 2,4-diisopropyldeuteroheme and 2-vinyl-4-isopropyldeuteroheme, both of which have lower oxygen affinities than native myoglobin, the bulky isopropyl side chain pushes Phe 43 0.7 A toward His 64 (the distal histidine) in the former, and the whole E helix at most 1.5 A, including a 0.7 A shift of the His 64 imidazole ring, in the latter. The changes of the structures prevent His 64 from forming a hydrogen bond with the liganded oxygen molecule, so that these two modified myoglobins show low oxygen affinities. On the other hand, there is no such drastic displacement in myoglobin with 2-isopropyl-4-vinyldeuteroheme, which has a slightly higher oxygen affinity than native myoglobin.

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