
The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is a major proteolytic system in eukaryotic cells and regulates various cellular processes. The 26 S proteasome, the central enzyme of this pathway, consists of a proteolytic core particle and two 19 S regulatory particles (RPs) composed of ATPase (Rpt) and non-ATPase (Rpn) subunits. Growing evidence indicates that proteasome assembly is assisted by a variety of chaperones. In particular, it has been reported recently that Nas2, Nas6, Rpn14, and Hsm3 bind specific Rpt subunits, thereby contributing to the formation of 19 S RP. Rpn14 transiently binds to the C-terminal domain of the Rpt6 subunit (Rpt6-C) during maturation of the ATPase ring of 19 S RP. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of yeast Rpn14 at 2.0 A resolution, which revealed that this chaperone consists of a unique N-terminal domain with unknown function and a C-terminal domain assuming a canonical seven-bladed beta-propeller fold. The Rpt6-binding site on Rpn14 was predicted based on structural comparison with the complex formed between Nas6 and Rpt3-C. The top face of Rpn14 exhibits a highly acidic surface area, whereas the putative interacting surface of Rpt6-C is basic. By inspection of structural data along with genetic and biochemical data, we determined the specific residues of Rpn14 and Rpt6 for complementary charge interactions that are required for 19 S RP assembly.


  • The 26 S proteasome, the major proteolytic machine found in eukaryotic cells, plays a key role in ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis by degrading proteins conjugated to ubiquitin [1, 2]

  • The S regulatory particles (RPs) is responsible for binding to the ubiquitin-tagged substrate, unfolding, translocating into the S core particle (CP), and releasing ubiquitin from the substrate

  • The 20 S CP is composed of 28 subunits arranged in a cylindrical shape of four heteroheptameric rings, ␣1–7␤1–7␤1–7␣1–7, whereas the 19 S RP is composed of at least 19 different subunits and is divisible into two subcomplexes, the base and the lid

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No of unique reflections

Refinement Resolution (Å) No of working reflections No reserved to evaluate Rfree Rfactor (%)/Rfree (%) r.m.s.d. bond lengths (Å) r.m.s.d. bond angles No of protein atoms B-factors of all atoms (Å2) Ramachandran plot (%) Most favored regions allowed regions Generously allowed regions MolProbity score a Values in parentheses are for the outer shell

Yeast strains used in this study
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