
The structure of the trigonal crystal form of bovine beta-lactoglobulin has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. An electron density map, calculated with phases obtained by the multiple isomorphous replacement method, served as a starting point for alternate cycles of model building and restrained least-squares refinement. The model of the molecule fitted to the initial Fourier map was the one built for the orthorhombic crystal form of beta-lactoglobulin, solved at 2.8 A resolution (1 A = 0.1 nm). The final R factor for 1456 atoms (1276 non-hydrogen protein atoms and 180 solvent atoms) is 0.22, including 5245 reflections from 6.0 to 2.5 A. The molecule shows significant differences in the two crystal forms mentioned, mainly due to different packing. In the trigonal form, the species crystallized does not appear to be dimeric, but a linear polymer with tight intermolecular contacts. A difference electron density map between the complex of beta-lactoglobulin with retinol and the native protein shows no significant peaks in the cavity which, in the similar retinol-binding protein, binds the chromophore. Instead, differences are found at a surface pocket, which is limited almost completely by hydrophobic residues.

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