
Crystal Structure of S-Adenosylmethionine Synthetase


  • There are a myriad of reactions in which methyl groups are transferred from a few types of methyl donors to a wide variety of methyl acceptors

  • Among biological methyl group donors, S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet),1 discovered by Cantoni in 1953 [1], is the most widely used, while 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, methylcobalamin, and betaine are involved in far fewer methylation reactions

  • In addition to its role as a methyl donor, AdoMet undergoes decarboxylation to generate the propylamine donor in the biosynthesis of the polyamines, spermine and spermidine, which are widely distributed in nature and appear to be involved in cellular proliferation [9]

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Refinement parameters

32.1 32.7 35.3 a DIP100S, the diffraction data were measured at the University of Kansas using a DIP100S imaging plate x-ray diffractometer; MARK-III, the diffraction data were measured at the University of California at San Diego using the MARK-III multiwire area detractor x-ray diffractometer. b Rsym ϭ ⌺ I ϪI /⌺͗I. c I/␴(I) in 3.0 –3.1 Å resolution range. d RFD ϭ ⌺ FPH Ϫ FP /⌺FP. C I/␴(I) in 3.0 –3.1 Å resolution range. The SeMAT and MAT-U data were cut off at 3.5 Å and 4.0 Å resolution, respectively. F Phasing power ϭFH/͗E; the root mean square heavy atom structure factor amplitude divided by the residual lack of closure error. G FOM of SIR ϭ figure of merit of single isomorphous replacement. The phasing statistics listed in the table are for 4.0 Å resolution data. The completeness of the data at 4.0 Å resolution level is more than 98.7%. H FOM of MIR ϭ figure of merit of multiple isomorphous replacement (Se and U derivatives). The value after solvent flattening phase refinement is given in parentheses. The value after solvent flattening phase refinement is given in parentheses. i R ϭ ⌺ Fo Ϫ Fc /⌺Fo

Binding sitec
SeMAT No reflections
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