
Crystals of [N-(2-aminoethyl)iminodiacetato](1,10-phenanthroline)copper(II) tetrahydrate, [Cu(Aeida)(Phen)] · 4H2O (I), are obtained, and their structure is determined. Crystals I are triclinic, and the unit cell parameters are as follows: a = 8.341(1) A, b = 9.424(1) A, c = 13.864(2) A, α = 74.23(1)°, β = 79.25(1)°, γ = 82.67(1)°, Z = 2, and space group P1. The structural units of the crystal are [Cu(Aeida)(Phen)] molecular complexes and crystallization water molecules. The coordination polyhedron of the copper atom is a tetragonal bipyramid with four nitrogen atoms in the equatorial plane (mean Cu-N, 2.05 A) and two oxygen atoms of the acetate groups in axial positions (Cu-O, 2.264 and 2.426 A; O-Cu-O angle, 148.8°). The Aeida and Phen ligands fulfill the tetradentate (2N + 2O) chelate and bidentate (2N) chelate functions, respectively. The complexes are joined into dimer associates in which the interplanar spacing between Phen molecules is equal to 3.54 A and the Cu⋯Cu distance is 7.02 A.

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