
Crystals of Mn(II)Mn(III)2O(SeO3)3 were prepared under low-hydrothermal conditions. The structure was determined by direct and Fourier methods using single-crystal X-ray diffraction data up to sin θ/λ = 0.6 Å-1 [monoclinic, space group C2/m , Z = 4, a = 15.454(4) Å, b = 6.652(2) Å, c = 9.682(2) Å, β = 118.83(1)°; Rw = 0.023 for 698 observed reflections]. The structure of Mn(II)Mn(III)2O(SeO3)3 contains three crystallographically different types of MnO6 octahedra forming 1∞ Mn(II)O4 chains parallel to [010] and 2∞ Mn(III)2O7 net-shaped sheets parallel to (001), which are connected by three types of pyramidal SeO3 groups as well as by a common oxygen corner. The Mn(III)O6 octahedra exhibit pronounced Jahn-Teller elongations, whereas a similar distortion of the Mn(II)O6 polyhedron is attributed to interpolyhedral connections. The oxo-oxygen is coordinated to three Mn(III) cations within the Mn(III)2O7 sheets with very short Mn-O bond lengths.

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