
MgSeO4·7H2O is isostructural with the analogous sulfate, MgSO4·7H2O, consisting of isolated [Mg(H2O)6](2+) octa-hedra and [SeO4](2-) tetra-hedra, linked by O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, with a single inter-stitial lattice water mol-ecule. As in the sulfate, the [Mg(H2O)6](2+) coordination octa-hedron is elongated along one axis due to the tetra-hedral coordination of the two apical water mol-ecules; these have Mg-O distances of ∼2.10 Å, whereas the remaining four trigonally coordinated water mol-ecules have Mg-O distances of ∼2.05 Å. The mean Se-O bond length is 1.641 Å and is in excellent agreement with other selenates. The unit-cell volume of MgSeO4·7H2O at 10 K is 4.1% larger than that of the sulfate at 2 K, although this is not uniform; the greater part of the expansion is along the a axis of the crystal.

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