
The crystal structure of K2[Pd(NO2)4]·2H2O was investigated at 150 K (X8 APEX Bruker automated diffractometer, MoK α radiation, graphite monochromator, CCD detector, θ/2θ scan mode in the θ range from 3.35° to 31.23°, 3280 reflections collected for 1654 independent reflections; R = 0.0245), a = 6.5087(13) A, b = 6.9972(14) A, c = 7.1500(14) A, α = 118.67(3)°, β = 101.24(3)°, γ = 98.11(3)°, V = 269.63(9) A3, space group, P \(\bar 1\), Z = 1, d calc = 2.492 g/cm3. The structure is built of [Pd(NO2)4]2− centrosymmetric complex anions, K+ cations, and crystallization water molecules. The Pd-N bond lengths are 2.0284(18) A and 2.052(2) A, ∠N-Pd-N 91.20(8)°. It is shown that the single crystal faceting (pseudohexagonal plates) is due to the pseudohexagonal motif of the structure.

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