
Complexes of pentaand hexavalent actinides with phosphoryl-containing podands incorporating a triethylene glycol fragment and 2-(diphenylphosphinyl)phenyl (L1) or 2-(diphenylphosphinylmethyl)phenyl (L) end groups were synthesized and structurally characterized. The complexes can be described by the following formulas: [NpO2L(C2H5OH)(NO3)] (I) for pentavalent neptunium and [AnO2(L1)2](OH)2 · nH2O (II), where An is U (IIa), Np (IIb), and Pu (IIc), for the isostructural compounds of hexavalent actinides. In I, L is a bidentate bridging ligand. The Np5+ coordination polyhedron is a pentagonal bipyramid. The bipyramid equatorial plane is formed by the oxygen atoms of two podands L, the bidentate nitrate ion, and the ethanol OH group. The oxygen atoms of the phosphoryl groups of the podand are involved in the coordination environment of two NpO2+ cations where they connect the electrically neutral neptunoyl nitrate fragments to infinite chains along the [100] direction, which are in turn connected into ribbons by strong hydrogen bonds. The crystal of II consists of the complex cations [AnO2(L1)2]2+, hydroxyl ions, and water molecules of crystallization. The environment of AnO22+ is formed by four ligands L1 whose oxygen atoms form a tetragonal-bipyramidal coordination environment. Each of the two crystallographically independent ligands L1 is connected to two AnO2+ cations. This gives positively charged layers of actinyl cations perpendicular to the [010] direction connected by molecular ligands. The layers contain channels accommodating hydroxyl ions and crystallization water molecules.

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