
Ba[Co(heida)2](HCO3)·2H2O crystals were grown (orthorhombic, a = 9.4491(5) A, b = 10.9719(5) A, c = 19.6077(9) A, Z = 4, space group Pca21), and their structure was solved by X-ray diffraction. The Co atoms in the complex anion were coordinated by two N-(2-hydroxyethyl)iminodiacetate (heida) ligands via the N atom and two O atoms of each ligand. The Ba atoms and the complex anions form “honeycomb” layers linked via three O atoms. The “honeycombs” are additionally linked by their Ba atoms with the O atoms of the hydroxyethyl groups. The Ba atoms are aligned within a layer and linked via the bridging HCO3 hydrocarbonate groups. The c.n. of Ba atoms is 10 (one water molecule; five O atoms of the complex anions, one from each of the nearest neighbors; and four O atoms of the hydrocarbonate ions).

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