
A ternary salt system Rb2MoO4-Ce2(MoO4)3-Zr(MoO4)2 is studied by powder XRD. Single crystals of 5:1:2 ternary rubidium-cerium-zirconium molybdate Rb5CeZr(MoO4)6 are obtained by solution melt crystallization under spontaneous nucleation conditions. The crystal structure is solved by X-ray crystallography (X8 APEX automated diffractometer, MoKα radiation, 1274 F(hkl), R = 0.0456). The parameters of a trigonal unit cell are: a = b = 10.7248(2) A, c = 38.796(1) A, V = 3864.52(14) A3, Z = 6, \(R\bar 3c\) space group. The three-dimensional complex framework comprises Mo tetrahedra linked to two independent (Ce,Zr)O6 octahedra. Two types of rubidium atoms occupy large cavities of the framework.

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