
Cd1-xFexS (x = 0.03) solid solutions were synthesized and thin films were obtained on their base by molecular beam condensation method. It was studied the effect of γ- irradiation on surface morphology, growth properties and crystal structure of obtained thin films. The characteristics of Cd1-xFexS (x = 0.03) solid solutions exposed to γ-rays at doses of 50, 100 and 150 kGy from 60Co source were characterized by XRD, SEM, EDX methods. XRD analysis showed that the orientation of crystal planes changes after γ-exposure. It was determined that the peak intensity of the (101) plane of Cd1-xFexS solid solutions increased with the radiation dose. Sizes of crystallites increased after γ-irradiation. Thus it is possible to manage some crystal properties with γ-irradiation. XRD investigations demonstrates, that thin films grown on glass substrates at substrate temperature Tsub=470 K were polycrystalline structure and thin films grown at substrate temperature Tsub =670K were monocrystalline structure. Keywords: Solid Solution, Semimagnetic Semiconductor, SEM, XRD, EDX, γ-radiation

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