
Results of investigations of structural and magnetic properties of Fe/Cr/Gd superlattices that differ in the thicknesses of the Cr interlayer have been reported. The insertion of the Cr interlayer between Gd and Fe layers has been found to lead to structural changes in Gd layers and the appearance of an additional fcc phase in them along with the main hcp phase. The new fcc phase is uniformly distributed across the thickness of the layer and is not localized near layer boundaries or in the center of Gd layers. Polarized-neutron reflectometry was used to show that the aforementioned structural changes are accompanied by a substantial (two-fold to threefold) decrease in the average magnetization of gadolinium over a wide temperature range. Near interfaces of the Gd layer, a layer appears that is two-to-three monatomic layers thick and characterized by increased magnetic moment.

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