
Two manganese(II) complexes, [Mn(mtm)(CH 3OH) 2(H 2O)] n ( 1) and [Mn 2(mtm) 2(2,2′-bipy) 2] n ( 2) (bipy=bipyridine, mtm=[bis(methylthio)methylene]malonate) were synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Structure of 1 consists of octahedral manganese(II) species which are extended by carboxylate bridges in syn–anti fashion along the c-axis. Chains of 1 are associated by hydrogen bonding among coordinating water and methanol molecules and carboxylate oxygen atoms, forming two-dimensional structures. The crystallographic asymmetric unit of 2 comprises two [Mn(2,2′-bipy)(mtm)] units in which Mn(II) atoms are bridged by μ 2-oxygens from carboxylate to form Mn 2O 2 rhombus. The dimeric units are linked doubly by second carboxylates in syn–anti fashion, resulting in a chain structure. The antiferromagnetic coupling of Mn(II) ions in 1 (−0.2 cm −1) and 2 (−1.57 cm −1) was determined from variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility data in the temperature range of 2–300 K.

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