
Let ℓ∈N with ℓ>1. In this paper we give a new realization of the crystal of affine type Aˆℓ−1 using the modular representation theory of the affine Hecke algebras Hn of type A and their level two cyclotomic quotients with Hecke parameter being a primitive 2ℓth root of unity. We construct “hat” versions of i-induction and i-restriction functors on the category RepI(Hn) of finite dimensional integral modules over Hn, which induce Kashiwara operators on a suitable subgroup of the Grothendieck groups of RepI(Hn). For any simple module M∈RepI(Hn), we prove that the simple submodules of resHn−2HnM which belong to Bˆ(∞) (Definition 5.1) occur with multiplicity two. The main results generalize the earlier work of Grojnowski and Vazirani on the relations between the crystal of slˆℓ and the affine Hecke algebras of type A at a primitive ℓth root of unity.

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