
A Nd 3+ -doped Y 2.8 ScAl 4.2 O 12 (Nd:YSAG) single crystal was grown successfully via the Czochralski technology. The crystal structure and crystalline quality of the as-grown Nd:YSAG crystal were determined by the X-ray powder diffraction and X-ray rocking curve, respectively. By X-ray fluorescence analysis, the effective segregation coefficient of Nd 3+ is calculated to be 0.33 in the YSAG crystal. Using the chemical etching method, the dislocation density on the (111)-crystalline face is obtained to be about 3.45 × 10 2 cm −2 . The large absorption cross-section (2.95 × 10 −20 cm 2 ) and wide FWHM (9.8 nm) around 808.8 nm imply a high LD pumping efficiency. The high emission cross-section (3.53 × 10 −20 cm 2 ) at 1336.3 nm and long fluorescence lifetime of Nd 3+ ions (286.20 μs) are beneficial to realize laser output. Thereby, all the results indicate that the Nd:YSAG crystal is a potentially new gain material pumped by a LD for near-infrared laser at 1336.3 nm. • A Nd 3+ :Y 2.8 ScAl 4.2 O 12 crystal was grown successfully by the Czochralski method. • Dislocation density on the (111)-crystalline face is obtained to be 3.45 × 10 2 cm −2 . • A large absorption cross-section (2.95 × 10 −20 cm 2 ) implies high pumping efficiency. • High emission cross-section (3.53 × 10 −20 cm 2 ) is beneficial to realize 1336.3 nm laser. • All results indicate this crystal is a potential gain material for 1336.3 nm laser.

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