
Abstract Pr 2 PdSi 3 single crystals were grown by a vertical floating zone method with radiation heating at a zone traveling rate of 3 mm/h. The compound exhibits congruent melting behavior at a liquidus temperature of about 1770 °C. The slightly Pd-depleted composition of the crystal, with respect to the nominal Pr 2 PdSi 3 stoichiometry, led to gradual accumulation of Pd in the traveling zone and to a decreasing operating temperature during the growth process. Thin platelet-like precipitates of a PrSi phase were detected in the crystal matrix. Single crystalline samples exhibit a huge anisotropy due to the crystal electric field effect and order antiferromagnetically below the Neel temperature T N =2.17 K. The [1 1 0] orientation was identified as the magnetic easy axis at room temperature. At lower temperature (∼20 K) magnetic easy and hard axes interchange with each other. Two additional magnetic phase transitions are observed at temperatures below 1 K.

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