
Crystals of the Cd0.77Sr0.23F2 solid solution (sp. gr. Fm $$\bar {3}$$ m, lattice parameter a = 5.4882(1) A), corresponding to the minimum in the liquidus and solidus curves in the CdF2–SrF2 phase diagram, have been grown from a melt by vertical directional solidification and their thermal conductivity has been measured in the temperature range 50–300 K. The thermal conductivity κ(T) of the Cd0.77Sr0.23F2 crystals is a weak function of temperature: κ50 = 1.9 W/(m K) and κ300 = 1.5 W/(m K) at 50 and 300 K, respectively. We have carried out a comparative analysis of the thermophysical properties of congruently melting M1 −xSrxF2 (M = Cd, Ca, Ba) crystals with the fluorite structure, containing SrF2 as a common component. The κ300 of the Cd0.77Sr0.23F2 crystals is lower than that of Ba0.66Sr0.34F2 and Ca0.59Sr0.41F2 by a factor of 2.1 and 2.7, respectively.

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