
MOVPE growth of AlN layers on bulk AlN substrates with low threading dislocation density (<105 cm−2) can result in enhanced defect formation. Chemo-mechanical polishing (CMP) of bulk AlN using colloidal silica sol can produce locally disturbed surface with SiOx residuals. These surface disturbances lead to generation of threading dislocations (∼108 cm−2) in homoepitaxially grown AlN layers. These dislocations show a tendency to form nano- and even micropipes, which may be associated with oxygen accumulation along the dislocation lines. As result, the subsequently grown AlGaN-based layer structures exhibit a high number of v-pits and micropipes. Inductively coupled plasma etching of AlN substrate surface prior to MOVPE growth results in clean AlN surfaces and improves the AlGaN layer quality.

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