
The deep red crystals of the title compound (UO/sub 2/(hfa)/sub 2/)/sub 3/ are monoclinic, space group P2/sub 1//c, with a = 16.526 (11) A, b = 15.470 (11) A, c = 22.277 (15) A,..beta.. = 103.00(1)/sup 0/, Z = 4, V = 5549 A/sup 3/, and d/sub calcd/ = 2.457 g/cm/sup 3/. X-ray diffraction data were collected for 3239 independent reflections to 2theta = 36/sup 0/ on an automatic x-ray diffractometer with Mo K..cap alpha.. radiation, and the structure was refined to R = 0.095. The three uranium atoms in the asymmetric unit form an equilateral triangle with edges 4.2 A in length and are bridged by half the uranyl oxygen atoms; the other uranyl oxygen atoms are terminal. The six hfa molecules in the asymmetric unit are bidentate and complete pentagonal-bipyramidal coordination about U(1), U(2), and U(3). The crystal is thus an assembly of (UO/sub 2/(hfa)/sub 2/)/sub 3/ trimeric molecules. The CF/sub 3/ groups are disordered. This compound is unique in uranyl structural chemistry, being the first example of a uranyl trimer. 3 figures, 5 tables.

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