
Cryptosporidiosis is an anthropozoonosis caused by coccidia of the family Cryptoporididae, whish may cause a serious health problem for kids in the first weeks of life. In our paper we presented results of examination of goat cryptosporidiosis in Serbia. In period 2016-2019 we examined 197 goat herds. Total of 1576 faecal smears were examined by Sheather’s sugar floatation technique and modified Ziehl–Neelsen staining technique. Cryptosporidiosis were found at 119 herds. Kids between five and twenty-one days old are the most susceptible. The morbidity varies from 75–100% and the mortality from 45-50%. Some animals do not develop into chronic cases and become carriers. After infection, animals either resist the organism, develop a mild infection that is self limiting, or soon sicken and die. Based on the performed research, we have established a significant role of cryptosporidiosis in the development of neonatal enteropathies of kids.

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