
BACKGROUND Cryptogenic multifocal ulcerating stenosing enteropathy (CMUSE) is a rare noninfectious chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract confined to the small bowel. Chronic inflammatory wasting leads to protein loss and weight reduction, and some patients eventually develop small bowel stenosis. The etiopathogenesis of CMUSE remains unknown. CASE REPORT A thin 62-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain and distension accompanied by bilateral lower-extremity edema for 2 months. After a series of medical tests, rheumatic or immune-related diseases, hyperthyroidism, and tuberculosis were excluded, and common digestive system diseases were also excluded. Abdominal CT showed incomplete obstruction of the small bowel. Enteroscopy showed small-bowel luminal narrowing. The patient subsequently underwent partial resection of the small bowel with end-to-side anastomosis. The small-bowel stricture was about 120 cm from the ileocecal junction, and about 12 cm of small bowel was resected. Postoperative pathology of the resected material revealed multifocal ulceration of the mucosa with massive inflammatory cell infiltration and extensive hyperplastic fibrous tissue, consistent with the characteristics of CMUSE disease. At follow-up 6 months after surgery, he had no abdominal pain or distension, and his anemia and lower-extremity edema were improved. CONCLUSIONS CMUSE diagnosis requires a combination of patient history, imaging, endoscopy, pathology, and exclusion of other digestive disorders, such as Crohn's disease. It is a chronic wasting disease, often accompanied by weight loss, abdominal pain, melena, and hypoproteinemia. Surgery is an important treatment for intestinal strictures caused by CMUSE.

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