
The valuation and prediction of cryptocurrency prices have become increasingly important in the financial market. Therefore, this study aims to focus on the selection and evaluation of machine learning models for cryptocurrency valuation. Thus, two types of machine learning models, gradient boosting trees (Xgboost and LightGBM) and neural networks, are compared to determine their effectiveness in generating features for cryptocurrency valuation. Additionally, correlation tests are conducted to identify the most suitable input variables for the models. The results demonstrate that the generated features have a significant impact on the accuracy of machine learning predictions for cryptocurrency prices. It highlights the potential of machine learning models in accurately predicting and evaluating the value of cryptocurrencies. Overall, the findings of this study contribute to the understanding of the role of machine learning in cryptocurrency valuation and provide valuable insights for investors and researchers. By leveraging machine learning techniques, investors can make informed decisions and develop effective investment strategies in the cryptocurrency market. This study contributes to cryptocurrency valuation research. Leveraging machine learning enables informed decisions and effective investment strategies. Furthermore, the findings inform the development of advanced machine learning models and algorithms for cryptocurrency valuation.

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