
A 34 years old male, HIV positive diagnosed 2 months ago during hospitalization due to bifrontal hemorrhage contusion after craneoencefalic trauma, in antiretroviral treatment with TDF-3TC-DTG, hospitalized with generalized clonic tonic convulsions, severe headache and behavior change characterized by incoherent speech. Neurological examination: with slower speech, depressed mood, facial acymetry with deviation of the right lip commissure; gait unevaluable, patient prostrate and not sitting without support, muscular strength 3/5 in the left hemibody, right lower limb with 4/5. with stiff neck and positive kernig signal. General physical examination: fever temp:38,5 celsius, extreme cachexia, with decubitus bedsores in the buttocks and calcaneus. Skin with several insignia of traditional treatment.

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