
Cryphonectria parasitica is a phytopathogenic fungus introduced from Eastern Asia to North America and to Europe, where it causes chestnut blight, a devastating disease of chestnut trees. The disease can be biologically controlled utilising the mycovirus Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 (CHV1), which changes the physiology of the host, reducing its virulence towards chestnut. We measured fungal growth in vitro and activities of glutathione S-transferase, catalase and superoxide dismutase, enzymes involved in oxidative stress response, to elucidate the effects of CHV1 infection on the host. Six CHV1 strains of different subtypes and three fungal isolates were used in different combinations to better represent natural conditions, where higher genetic diversity of both fungus and virus is expected. The infection with different CHV1 strains decreased in vitro growth rate of infected fungal isolates and increased activity of their stress enzymes in most of the studied fungus/virus combinations, indicating increased oxidative stress following CHV1 infection. All our field CHV1 strains belong to the Italian subtype, but while strain M56-1 had equal or even stronger effect on its fungal host than prototypic strain EP713 of French subtype F1, strain B11 had no effect. Thus, the severity of the observed effects depended on a particular virus strain, fungal isolate, and the combination of the two, rather than solely on the virus subtype. Since previous research showed discordance between accumulation of mRNA and stress-related proteins in CHV1 infected C. parasitica, our results emphasise the importance of enzymes' activity measurements as an invaluable extension of transcriptomic and proteomic analyses.

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