
In order to improve the genetic management of bird species within the European Endangered Programs (EEP), a research project on artificial insemination and cryopreservation of Galliformes semen has been developed. The aim of the program is to create a sperm cryobank for threatened bird species. During this study, semen was collected from 17 pheasant species and specific characteristics of ejaculates were analyzed (volume, sperm concentration, motility, pH). Artificial insemination with fresh semen was performed in nine species and with frozen semen in eight species. Inseminations with frozen and thawed semen were made in 17 species. Viability of fresh and frozen semen was assessed in vitro using double stains, eosin and nigrosin. The effect of pH (7–8.5) on viability of fresh and frozen/thawed spermatozoa was also studied. Chicks hatched in eight and three species after insemination with fresh and frozen/thawed semen, respectively. Species varied widely in semen viability: 1–30% of spermatozoa survived freezing and thawing. There was a negative correlation between the viability of frozen spermatozoa and semen pH. In our experimental conditions, the pH of diluents had no effect on semen viability. However, semen with the highest pH had the lowest quality after freezing and thawing. These experiments demonstrated the feasibility of using a very simple and inexpensive method to achieve artificial insemination and cryopreservation of semen in endangered pheasant species.

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