
The introduction of the "in lens" type field emission gun has revolutionized SEM technology. Usingtest specimens, it has been shown that it is now possible to achieve nanometer resolution with the advantages of cryotechniques. Topographical views similar to replicas can also be obtained without having to remove biological material prior to microscopical inspection. Using these techniques we have been able to image the 5.5nm subunit repeat and the 37nm cross-over repeat of actin filaments in vitro and in situ and the 4nm repeat of tubulin subunits in both axonemal microtubules and in vitro polymerized microtubules. We are currently using cryo-SEM to study the reoviruses. Reoviruses are large,nonenveloped viruses with segmented RNA genomes. Understanding the molecular basis of reovirus pathogenesis requires characterization of the structure of reovirus particles and protein components through which they interact with cells early in infection. Recent cryo-TEM studies on reovirus characterized 3 particle forms - virions, ISVPs, and cores - at ≤ 3 nm resolution.

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