
In many eukaryotes, kinesin-5 motors are essential for mitosis, and small molecules that inhibit human kinesin-5 disrupt cell division. To investigate whether fungal kinesin-5s could be targets for novel fungicides, we studied kinesin-5 from the pathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis. We used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the microtubule-bound structure of its motor domain with and without the N-terminal extension. The ATP-like conformations of the motor in the presence or absence of this N-terminus are very similar, suggesting this region is structurally disordered and does not directly influence the motor ATPase. The Ustilago maydis kinesin-5 motor domain adopts a canonical ATP-like conformation, thereby allowing the neck linker to bind along the motor domain towards the microtubule plus end. However, several insertions within this motor domain are structurally distinct. Loop2 forms a non-canonical interaction with α-tubulin, while loop8 may bridge between two adjacent protofilaments. Furthermore, loop5 – which in human kinesin-5 is involved in binding allosteric inhibitors – protrudes above the nucleotide binding site, revealing a distinct binding pocket for potential inhibitors. This work highlights fungal-specific elaborations of the kinesin-5 motor domain and provides the structural basis for future investigations of kinesins as targets for novel fungicides.


  • Fungi are significant and increasing mediators of pathogenesis, and cause challenges medically (e.g. Candida spp.; A. fumigatus), environmentally and economically (Bougnoux et al, 2018; Fisher et al, 2012)

  • To begin to understand whether Ustilago maydis kinesin-5 is a possible target for novel and specific fungicides, we determined the structures of two different motor domain constructs of this fungal kinesin – with and without its fungal-specific N-terminal extension bound to MTs using cryo-electron microscopy

  • Gero Steinberg (University of Exeter, UK), two Ustilago maydis kinesin-5 motor domain constructs – N+U. maydis kinesin-5 motor domain (UmKin5) and UmKin5 – with and without the N-terminal extension respectively, were PCR amplified and cloned into a pNIC28BsaI vector (Structural Genomics Consortium, Oxford), and the recombinant His6-tagged monomeric constructs were expressed in BL21*(DE3) Escherichia coli cells

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Fungi are significant and increasing mediators of pathogenesis, and cause challenges medically (e.g. Candida spp.; A. fumigatus), environmentally (e.g. ash dieback-causing H. fraxinea) and economically (e.g. rice blast, M. oryzae; honeybee colony collapse, Nosema spp.) (Bougnoux et al, 2018; Fisher et al, 2012). Kinesins are microtubule (MT)-based ATP-driven motors that have many important roles in eukaryotes. This includes the essential activities of several members of the superfamily in cell division (Cross and McAinsh, 2014). Kinesin-5 motors are important for mitosis in many organisms and, for example, functional disruption of kinesin-5s in fungi and vertebrates prevents formation of the bipolar spindle (Goulet and Moores, 2013). Mechanistic information is lacking about the extent of conservation of kinesin-5 molecular mechanism across eukaryotes, and whether any structural or mechanistic differences could be exploited to selectively inhibit mitosis in pathogenic organisms.

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Materials and methods
Sample preparation for cryo-EM
Results and discussion
Visualization of UmKin5 specific loops
Data deposition
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