
Energy-dependent Lon proteases play a key role in cellular regulation by degrading short-lived regulatory proteins and misfolded proteins in the cell. The structure of the catalytically inactive S679A mutant of Escherichia coli LonA protease (EcLon) has been determined by cryo-EM at the resolution of 3.5 Å. EcLonA without a bound substrate adopts a hexameric open-spiral quaternary structure that might represent the resting state of the enzyme. Upon interaction with substrate the open-spiral hexamer undergoes a major conformational change resulting in a compact, closed-circle hexamer as in the recent structure of a complex of Yersinia pestis LonA with a protein substrate. This major change is accomplished by the rigid-body rearrangement of the individual domains within the protomers of the complex around the hinge points in the interdomain linkers. Comparison of substrate-free and substrate-bound Lon structures allows to mark the location of putative pivotal points involved in such conformational changes.

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