
Introduction: Kikuchi Fujimoto is a rare necrotizing lymphadenitis disease. We report a case of a 17-year-old boy, known case of Kikuchi Fujimoto disease (KFD), who developed left eye central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). A 17-year-old boy presented with left Case Presentation: eye sudden diminution of vision. He was diagnosed with Kikuchi Fujimoto necrotizing lymphadenitis disease 2 years back. He had left eye central retinal vein occlusion with disc and macular edema. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed subretinal uid, cystoid macular edema along with disc elevation. He was on s Hydroxychloroquine since 6 months. After systemic evaluation he was started on oral prednisolone 40mg on weekly 10mg tapering dose. After a month his macular edema as well as disc edema had signicantly resolved. KFD is itself is a rare Conclusion: entity and additional manifestation of CRVO in them, makes it rarest of rare presentation. If not diagnosed on time and treated can lead to permanent vision loss

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