
Analysis of teleseismic records obtained in two broadband seismic stations of three components located on the Andean region of Colombia is presented in this work. The two stations are located at the Western Cordillera (WC), station BOL, and at the Central Cordillera (CC), station PBLA. The analysis of seismograms was performed by inversion of the receiver functions (RF) in order to obtain the crustal velocity structure beneath the receivers. The receiver function is a spectral ratio obtained from teleseismic earthquakes recorded by broadband seismic stations, which allows the calculation of the velocity structure beneath the receiver by removing source effects in the horizontal components of the seismic traces. Data stacking was performed in order to improve signal to noise ratio and then the data was inverted by using two optimization algorithms: a genetic algorithm (GA), and a simulated annealing algorithm (SA). The present work calculates the receiver functions using teleseismic earthquakes at epicentral distances (Δ) ranging between 30° and 90° and recorded at the two stations within the years 2007 and 2009.Delay times between P and PS waves converted at the Moho boundary were used to constrain the velocity structure. The receiver functions at the stations were generated from seismic events within a broad range of back azimuth. Data from gravity and magnetism were also used during the geophysical survey. The depth of the Moho boundary was found to be at 40 km in the WC beneath station BOL and at 43 km in the CC beneath station PBLA. The upper crust, with a thickness of 5 km, is characterized by a shear wave velocity of about 3.0 km s−1; the shallower layers, at approximately 1.0 km, have shear wave velocities between 2.2 and 2.6 km s−1, which corresponds to sediments overlying the upper crust. These observations support the hypothesis of a thickness of the crust at the root of the mountain range to be between 32 and 50 km. The calculated receiver functions were compared with artificial ones generated from the inversion of 48000 models of horizontal layers for each station using a GA and an SA that allowed a satisfactory coverage of all the sample space in order to avoid non-unique solutions. Beneath station BOL a moderate low-velocity zone (LVZ) was found, which was caused by accretionary processes of the ophiolite complex in the WC.

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