
The detailed P-wave velocity structure of the crust in the southern Kanto-Tokai region was analyzed using the tomographic method for seismic refraction survey in this paper. A total of 332 P-wave arrival times received from 13 seismic explosion surveys were used in the analysis. The results indicate that analyses of travel-time curves are probably useful for the evaluation of inverted structures. The lateral heterogeneity of the velocity structure is obviously related to tectonics. The crust in the eastern region is thinner than that in the western region. The Conrad discontinuity obviously fluctuates. The granitic layer is thinner beneath the oceanic region to the east of Oshima. The layer becomes about 16 km thick beneath Suruga Bay. The Conrad discontinuity drops nearly 17 km in depth beneath Suruga Bay, and velocity is relatively low there. The Conrad discontinuity rises 6 km beneath MTL and its vicinity. The Moho discontinuity is located at a depth of around 34 km beneath the region to the west of ISTL and roughly coincides with the upper boundary of the seismic zone due to subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate under the Eurasian Plate. It becomes shallow across the Suruga trough toward the eastern region. The discontinuity is located about 27 km in depth beneath the oceanic region east of Oshima.

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