
A high-resolution passive seismic experiment in the Kachchh rift zone of the western India has produced an excellent dataset of several thousands teleseismic events. From this network, 500 good teleseismic events recorded at 14 mobile broadband sites are used to estimate receiver functions (for the 30–310° back-azimuth ranges), which show a positive phase at 4.5–6.1 s delay time and a strong negative phase at 8.0–11.0 s. These phases have been modeled by a velocity increase at Moho (i.e. 34–43 km) and a velocity decrease at 62–92 km depth. The estimation of crustal and lithospheric thicknesses using the inversion of stacked radial receiver functions led to the delineation of a marked thinning of 3–7 km in crustal thickness and 6–14 km in lithospheric thickness beneath the central rift zone relative to the surrounding un-rifted parts of the Kachchh rift zone. On an average, the Kachchh region is characterized by a thin lithosphere of 75.9 ± 5.9 km. The marked velocity decrease associated with the lithosphere–asthenoshere boundary (LAB), observed over an area of 120 km × 80 km, and the isotropic study of xenoliths from Kachchh provides evidence for local asthenospheric updoming with pockets of partial melts of CO 2 rich lherzolite beneath the Kachchh seismic zone that might have caused by rifting episode (at 88 Ma) and the associated Deccan thermal-plume interaction (at 65 Ma) episodes. Thus, the coincidence of the area of the major aftershock activity and the Moho as well as asthenospheric upwarping beneath the central Kachchh rift zone suggests that these pockets of CO 2-rich lherzolite partial melts could perhaps provide a high input of volatiles containing CO 2 into the lower crust, which might contribute significantly in the seismo-genesis of continued aftershock activity in the region. It is also inferred that large stresses in the denser and stronger lower crust (at 14–34 km depths) induced by ongoing Banni upliftment, crustal intrusive, marked lateral variation in crustal thickness and related sub-crustal thermal anomaly play a key role in nucleating the lower crustal earthquakes beneath the Kachchh seismic zone.

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