
TWO feeding trials were conducted with day old mixed sexes of Apollo (White Leghorn) strain. The first experiment was designed to test the effectiveness of all — vegetable protein diets to meet the requirements of baby chicks. While the second one was designed to find out whether synthetic methionine and/or fishmeal supplementation are desirable in low quality protein of groundnut cake. Results showed that a diet based on plant proteins only, namely, those of groundnut cake and maize, is capable of stimulating rapid growth in chicks. Diets containing 24% all-vegetable protein, 22% plant protein plus 0.35% feed grade methionine or 20% plant protein containing 3% of fishmeal plus 0.37% feed grade methionine, satisfied the requirements for rapid growth and efficient feed utilization in young chicks. However, based on the prevailing prices of the ingredients used in formulating the rations, the results indicate that ration based on 24%of all — plant protein diet was least expensive.

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