
One of subsidiaries of Pertamina is Pertamina Gas which manage special task in operating crude oil transportation 15,000 barrel oil per day (BOPD). In the operation still occur illegal tapping activities and risk of pipeline product theft is a major concern to industry. In 2012, oil thieves drills 748 illegal taps or an average 2 times every day. Losses from transportation approximately 40% per day and loss revenue more than $20 million a year. The activities of illegal tapping by cutting into pipelines can cause pipeline ruptures and explosions, leading to human casualties, destruction of property, and damage to the environment. Pertamina Gas reported that illegal taps rise to 400% from 2010 until 2013 and effort was taken to minimize illegal tapping frequency and develops integrated system that includes supervision and security of assets along the pipeline called “Security and Oil Losses Management with Integrated Detection System (SOLIDS)”. This system includes liquid management system (LMS), pipeline leak detection system (PLDS), security team patrol, emergency response team (ERT), radio communication-CCTV and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The implementation of SOLIDS is an effective oil loss detection technologies and pipeline security that detect product thefts quickly and accurately locate illegal tapping points. SOLIDS investment costs are still smaller than the company's losses due oil losses and environmental impact.Pertamina Gas has been succeeded in reducing losses from illegal taps. In 2012 the number of illegal tapping cases 748 points and decreased significantly in 2018 as many as zero case. Consistent implementation of this system will provide solution in reducing losses and illegal tapping under all operational conditions.

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