
The multitude of applications to which Saccharomyces spp. are put makes these yeasts the most prolific of industrial microorganisms. This review considers biological aspects pertaining to the manufacture of industrial yeast biomass. It is proposed that the production of yeast biomass can be considered in two distinct but interdependent phases. Firstly, there is a cell replication phase that involves reproduction of cells by their transitions through multiple budding and metabolic cycles. Secondly, there needs to be a cell conditioning phase that enables the accrued biomass to withstand the physicochemical challenges associated with downstream processing and storage. The production of yeast biomass is not simply a case of providing sugar, nutrients, and other growth conditions to enable multiple budding cycles to occur. In the latter stages of culturing, it is important that all cells are induced to complete their current budding cycle and subsequently enter into a quiescent state engendering robustness. Both the cell replication and conditioning phases need to be optimized and considered in concert to ensure good biomass production economics, and optimum performance of industrial yeasts in food and fermentation applications. Key features of metabolism and cell biology affecting replication and conditioning of industrial Saccharomyces are presented. Alternatives for growth substrates are discussed, along with the challenges and prospects associated with defining the genetic bases of industrially important phenotypes, and the generation of new yeast strains. "I must be cruel only to be kind: Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind." William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 4.

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