
Traditionally, the placement and routing stages of a physical design are performed separately. Because of the additional complexities arising in advanced technology nodes, they have become more interdependent. Therefore, creating efficient cooperation between the routing and placement steps has become an important topic in Electronic Design Automation (EDA). In this article, a framework that allows cooperation between routing and placement is proposed. The main objective of the proposed framework is to improve the detailed routing solution by combining routing and placement. The core of this framework is the Cooperation between Routing and Placement (CRP2.0)1engine including techniques to combine routing and placement. The key contributions of CRP2.0 include an Integer Linear Programming (ILP)-based Detailed Placement (ILP-DP), net classification, and two Cost and Net Caching techniques. The efficacy of the proposed framework is evaluated on the official ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD) 2018 and 2019 contest benchmarks. In this article, we show that by using the Cost Caching technique, the global routing runtime compared with state-of-the-art algorithms was reduced by 28.56%, on average. Moreover, numerical results show that when working with advanced technology nodes, the proposed framework can improve the detailed routing score by an average of 0.3% while only moving 0.7% of the cells, on average. The proposed engine can be employed as an add-on to the physical design flow between the global routing and detailed routing steps.

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