
Despite the ubiquity of molecular crowding in living cells, the effects of crowding on the dynamics of genome-sized DNA are poorly understood. Here, we track single, fluorescent-labeled large DNA molecules (11, 115 kbp) diffusing in dextran solutions that mimic intracellular crowding conditions (0–40%), and determine the effects of crowding on both DNA mobility and conformation. Both DNAs exhibit ergodic Brownian motion and comparable mobility reduction in all conditions; however, crowder size (10 vs. 500 kDa) plays a critical role in the underlying diffusive mechanisms and dependence on crowder concentration. Surprisingly, in 10-kDa dextran, crowder influence saturates at ∼20% with an ∼5× drop in DNA diffusion, in stark contrast to exponentially retarded mobility, coupled to weak anomalous subdiffusion, with increasing concentration of 500-kDa dextran. Both DNAs elongate into lower-entropy states (compared to random coil conformations) when crowded, with elongation states that are gamma distributed and fluctuate in time. However, the broadness of the distribution of states and the time-dependence and length scale of elongation length fluctuations depend on both DNA and crowder size with concentration having surprisingly little impact. Results collectively show that mobility reduction and coil elongation of large crowded DNAs are due to a complex interplay between entropic effects and crowder mobility. Although elongation and initial mobility retardation are driven by depletion interactions, subdiffusive dynamics, and the drastic exponential slowing of DNA, up to ∼300×, arise from the reduced mobility of larger crowders. Our results elucidate the highly important and widely debated effects of cellular crowding on genome-sized DNA.

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