
Being ubiquitous in a large variety of geomaterials, granular assemblies play a crucial role in the mechanical stability of engineering and geophysical structures. For these applications, an accurate knowledge of the processes at the origin of shear localization, i.e. faulting, in frictional granular assemblies submitted to compressive loading is needed. Here we tackle this problem by performing discrete-element numerical simulations. A thorough analysis of the evolution of multi-scale mechanical properties as approaching sample macroscopic instability is performed. Spatial correlations operating within the shear stress and strain fields are analyzed by means of a coarse-graining analysis. The divergence of correlation lengths is reported on both shear stress and strain fields as approaching the transition to sample instability. We thus show that the crossover from a quasi-static regime where the sample deforms infinitely slowly to a dense flow regime, where inertial forces play a significant role, can be interpreted as a critical phase transition. At this transition, no shear band of characteristic thickness can be defined.

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