
The female principal"šs role is diverse, fragmented, and involves numerous decisionsdaily. It is important for women to be able to identify and evaluate their ownpersonal characteristics.Leadership has been the central focus of research in the field of educationaladministration. Most studies have largely been based on the experiences of whitemales (Blackmore, 1989; Capper, 1993; Glazer, 1991) in the field of schooladministration. Historically, leadership roles have been held by men (Capper, 1993;Sloan, 1999). Because of this social attitude, women have been reluctant to pursueeducational, administrative leadership positions (Epp, 1993).As of the mid-1990"šs, women comprised 50% of the workforce. Women held 13%of management positions, and held only 7% of executive positions (Hagberg,1998). In the areas of school administration, men outnumber women four to one atthe administrative level (Lynch, 1990). "In the years between 1928 and 1984, thenumber of women principals continually dropped from 55 % to 18%" (Lynch, 1990,p. 336). These data mirror the drop in the representation of women throughout theeducational administration field (Capper, 1993; Sloan 1999). While a recent surveyof school superintendents indicated that the number of women at all levels ofschool administration is slowly increasing; women's representation in schooladministration is far from being proportionate to their numbers in education(Hagberg, 1998; Sloan, 1999). Sloan (1999) reported that the number of Australianfemale principals have increased from 15.3% in 1991 to 29.5% in 1999. TheAustralian Department of Education Secretary, Geoff Spring, has increased effortsto train and promote female teachers to administrative positions (Sloan, 1999). Ata 1998 conference, Spring said, "Women make up almost 70% of the workforce inschool education, are highly qualified and achieving increasing success as they seekand obtain formal leadership roles." He stressed the importance of pride andpersonal achievement of women in leadership roles but noted, "There isconsiderable distance to be traveled before women are present in leadership rolesin the same ratio as in the education workforce" (Spring, 1998). A specialleadership program has been designed for aspiring women educational leaders inAustralia to help close the gap (Sloan, 1999).All women experience barriers. When Black women enter educationaladministration, there are internal and external barriers to overcome (Gregory,1999). Gregory (1999) stated that internal barriers are based on both perceptionsof one's capability to work in a leadership role, and personal leadership styles.External barriers are described as barriers that an individual has no control over.External barriers might include lack of resources and not being included incollaborative projects. Also, many black women have reported feelings of isolation(Gregory, 1999).

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