
Abstract Transferring information that is critical to safe work is very difficult in culturally diverse work sites. Language and reading comprehension differs greatly from person to person, with increasing complexity when sharing information outside of the native language of the receiver. The challenge - to simplify the message while not diluting the salient points. The opportunity - creation of a short form material safety data sheet using pictograms and graphics rather than high amounts of text. The benefit - Higher degree of worker understanding and confidence resulting in lower incidents of near miss and injury on-site. Total Abu Al Bukhoosh (TABK) has launched a new short-form Material Safety Data Sheet (SMSDS) system that addresses pre-existing boundaries to effective communication of chemical hazards and risks. The pictorial form overcomes limitations of reading comprehension and language to ensure the highest degree of health and safety for our workers. The SMSDS is a single page, easy to read document that contains key information regarding the potential health effects, hazards and response measures of any particular chemical. The SMSDS was created by TABK in order to summarize the standard Material Safety Data Sheets while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. All with the aim of improving the usability of information made available to the end user of the chemical. In addition to the safety precautions that should be taken when working with the chemicals (e.g. wearing gloves, goggles or a masks etc.) another important issue that the SMSDS addresses is the correct response protocols that should be taken when a problem occurs, whether it is a spill, an accident or a fire. While kept within easy access of the work site, the information is also available online. The intranet database provides efficient management of information regarding the potentially hazardous materials in use at TABK, and offers a simple means to re-print sheets for convenience.

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