
In 1925, Kretschmer 1 reviewed the literature on crossed renal ectopia and found eighty-seven previously reported cases. In his article he mentions four additional ones, bringing the total to ninety-one. The cases of Beebee, 2 Compton 3 and Smith 4 were not included in this publication, which would bring the previously reported cases to ninety-four, to which I am adding an additional case referred through the courtesy of Dr. R. H. Newman. REPORT OF CASE A white woman, aged 28, single, consulted an ophthalmologist on account of some visual disturbance. The examination at this time showed a low grade hyperopic astigmatism associated with an exudate almost filling the entire right disk and extending to the nasal side of the disk. The details of the fundus could not be made out. There were several dark detached opacities in the vitreous. The left fundus was normal. On account of these observations, together

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