
The cross-border effects of a capacity market and a strategic reserve in interconnected electricity markets are modeled using an agent-based modeling methodology. Both capacity mechanisms improve the security of supply and reduce consumer costs. Our results indicate that interconnections do not affect the effectiveness of a capacity market, while a strategic reserve is affected negatively. The neighboring zone may free ride on the security of supply provided by the zone implementing a capacity mechanism. However, a capacity market causes crowding out of generators in the energy-only zone. A strategic reserve implemented by this region could aid in mitigating this risk.


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  • The cost of the capacity mechanism (V/MWh): the cost incurred by the consumers for contracting the mandated capacity credits from the capacity market or for contracting generating units into the strategic reserve

  • We present an analysis of the cross-border effects that may arise due to the implementation of capacity mechanisms in interconnected electricity markets with the use of an agent-based model

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