
New York State WIC Program policy requires each of the 100 local agencies sponsoring the WIC Program to have on a staff a qualified Breastfeeding Coordinator. Minimum qualifications are as follows: BS or BA in Nutrition, Dietetics, Nursing, Food and Nutrition or health-related field. Also required is at least one year of experience including work with postpartum/lactating mothers, knowledge of breastfeeding techniques, and problem solving with mothers, with a minimum 20 hours continuing education in breastfeeding. The Breastfeeding Coordinator has a unique position and is responsible for the promotion and support of breastfeeding to prenatal and postpartum low income women certified in the WIC Program. This involves one-to-one counseling, group classes, support groups, hospital rounds, assisting physicians with educational materials and training, networking with area lactation consultants, physicians, and breastfeeding consortiums and frequent media opportunities. Over 50 percent of the Breastfeeding Coordinators in the NYS WIC Program are dietitians/nutritionists. Hours spent working with breastfeeding mothers and infants satisfy one of the eligibility requirements for International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant Exam. 22 Breastfeeding Coordinators have successfully completed the IBCLC exam, and therby enhanced professional nutrition related services.

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