
Reactions 45Sc(3He, αn)43Sc, 45Sc(3He, α)44Sc and 45Sc(3He, 2p)46Sc in the 3He energy range of 5 to 24 MeV are investigated in experiments performed with a 3He ion beam during the irradiation of U-120M cyclotron scandium targets. Activation is used to determine the yield of nascent Sc isotopes. The γ activity induced in targets is measured using a high-resolution HPGe detector. The character of the excitation function changes during the formation of these ions and differs from the excitation functions for deuterons, despite the low bond energy of 3He and the positive values of the Q reactions leading to the formation of 44Sc and 46Sc isotopes. The cross sections of 44Sc formation reach their maximum value at the Coulomb barrier of the reaction, due to the stable 4He nucleus that accompanies the formation of 44Sc. The contribution from different reaction mechanisms to the cross sections of 43Sc, 44Sc, and 46Sc isotope formation are considered.

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