
Differential and integral cross sections for electron-impact excitation of the dipole-allowed C (1)Pi and D (1)Sigma(+) electronic states of nitrous oxide have been measured. The differential cross sections were determined by analysis of normalized energy-loss spectra obtained using a crossed-beam apparatus at six electron energies in the range 15-200 eV. Integral cross sections were subsequently derived from these data. The present work was undertaken in order to check both the validity of the only other comprehensive experimental study into these excitation processes [Marinkovic et al., J. Phys. B 32, 1949 (1998)] and to extend the energy range of those data. Agreement with the earlier data, particularly at the lower common energies, was typically found to be fair. In addition, the BEf-scaling approach [Kim, J. Chem. Phys. 126, 064305 (2007)] is used to calculate integral cross sections for the C (1)Pi and D (1)Sigma(+) states, from their respective thresholds to 5000 eV. In general, good agreement is found between the experimental integral cross sections and those calculated within the BEf-scaling paradigm, the only exception being at the lowest energies of this study. Finally, optical oscillator strengths, also determined as a part of the present investigations, were found to be in fair accordance with previous corresponding determinations.

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