
We report elastic differential, integral and momentum transfer cross sections for e-TMAs collisions, obtained at the static-exchange level of approximation. The energy range considered was from 5 to 40 eV. Our calculations were performed with the Schwinger multichannel method with pseudopotentials (M H F Bettega, L G Ferreira and M A P Lima 1993 Phys. Rev. A 47 1111). In order to study how molecular conformation affects the scattering process, we carried out calculations considering two possible conformations of the target. The elastic integral cross sections obtained with the two conformations are essentially equal for incident energies beyond 15 eV. For the 5 eV < E < 15 eV energy range, however, conformation effects are verified. We have also found shape resonances in the elastic cross sections for both conformations, around 8 eV for the more stable conformation and 12 eV for the other one.

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